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For the cool in you
 ARTIST/GROUP   Babyface
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For the cool in you Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
Lady, lady Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
Never keeping secrets Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
Rock bottom Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
And our feelings Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
Saturday Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
When can I see you Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
Illusions Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
A bit old-fashioned Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
You are so beautiful Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
I'll always love you Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
Well alright Babyface Daryl Simmons L.A. Reid
